Parish Priest's Message

When St. John Vianney, the Curé of Ars [France], was finding his way to his first assignment as a parish priest in Ars [France] he met a young boy to whom he said, “You show me the way to Ars [France] and I will show you the way to heaven.” As I took over charge in this parish I asked god to give me the strength to lead my people to heaven. Today as we stand at the face of this new era
I envision …

Every member of this parish working together to become a beacon of hope as we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and seek to build strong faith based communities.

Our worshipping together to celebrate the Eucharist and the other Sacraments with joy in our hearts, faithful to our Catholic tradition.

Our responding passionately and compassionately in service to the hurting and struggling members of our parish, especially to the cries of those living in poverty or those on the margins of society.

Our continued support of clergy, deacons, religious and laity in their ministries as well as our praying for and welcoming new vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life and lay ministry.

Our parish focusing less on structural changes and more on profound spiritual and community renewal, honoring the principle of stability and to build a greater sense of unity among the diverse members of our parish.

May Mary our mother the fountain of all Grace inspire us. May her presence and Guidance accompany each and every members of this Parish.

Fr. Deepak Soreng