The various areas under this church have been divided into 18 wards for convenience. Out of these 18 wards, 3 wards are again sub divided into 4 wards. So total we have 27 wards. Each ward has its own parish council member who also acts as the church support fund collector as well as animators for SSC meetings. They are one point contact for any information to wards members. In case of any assistance, the wards members can contact parish council member / parish priest directly any point of time.
Ward wise liturgy is an initiative by PC to involve all wards members to fully participate in the Liturgy. This is held every week.
All the events of the parish, like Christmas, Holy week, parish feast, house blessings etc. are well planned and properly discussed in the Parish council meetings. Every member is free to raise any objection / opinion but once a decision is taken, everybody accepts it and follows in full spirit and every person is involved in all the activities.
Always, after any event, PC meeting is held to review the performance and short comings, not to be repeated next time.
The parish council is very active, hardworking, sincere, energetic, patient, and generous and believes in TEAM WORK and I am proud to be a part of this TEAM. We are always ready take up any challenge in the last minute. Due to these factors, all other associations / groups are also very active.
President : Mrs. Philomena Raphael
VICE PRESIDENT : Mrs. Teren Gupta
SECRETARY : Mrs. Dorothy Ekka
Jt. Secretary : Mrs. Mary Damien
Treasurer : Mrs. Lisy Varghese
Members of Women Council have been helping women in Vikaspuri Parish and trying to make all women self-reliant. Some members used to prepare host for the parish till last year. Every year on 31st May and 8th September we prepare sweet rice for the whole parish and take active part in the celebration on these two days.
One of the most important task we do is running of the Self Help Group of our parish as most of the members of the SHG are in need of our help and support. We actively participate in our parish feast. Any task given by parish fathers are undertaken by us without hesitation and full enthusiasm.
Mrs. Dorothy Ekka
Parish priest : Fr. Deepak Soreng
In charge : Fr. Thomas Blessin
Animators : Tom, Joyceline, Edwin
President : James Rodriguez
SECRETARY : Collins Rony, Annlet Joy
Treasure : Grace Ashima, Prakash Martin
Executive : Pallavi
The Youth group of Vikaspuri parish popularly known as Arrows of Christ, is very much active in all the parish activities. All the parish programs like Parish Feast, 4th Friday Adoration, church choir, Good Friday Enactment are conducted by Youth. Outreach programs like visiting slums, and orphanages and conducting programs for the children and distributing necessary items are also undertaken by us. Women’s day, Mother’s day, Father’s day, birthday and ordination anniversaries of Parish fathers are celebrated without fail. Various competitions during Independence Day and Christmas tree are organized by us for catechism children and all the people of the parish. We also had a picnic cum orientation program at Nuh Mission. Orientation program and career guidance too were organized in the parish for all the youth. Fund raising is done through stalls, lemonade sale and candle sale. Bible study is the new initiative, taken up by the youth group, where most of the youth gather to learn and reflect on word of God. Classes are taken by Fr. Thomas Blessin. Every Sunday after the Hindi Mass members of the youth group gather in a room for an hour of prayer.
Cornerstone cricket match running its 5th edition is a feather to arrows of Christ. It’s organized for all the catholic parishes of archdiocese of Delhi, Diocese of Faridabad and Diocese of Gurgaon. We also hosted the elections of the ILCYM West Zone. It brought together the youth of all the west zone parishes, to elect our zonal leaders, also to have a time of fun and fellowship. The election was held in the presence of Zonal Animator, Yeshudas and Jenny Joy and Fr. Thomas Blessin.
Collins Rony, Annlet Joy
Parish Priest : Fr. Deepak Soreng
VIIn-Charge : Fr. Thomas Blessin
Coordinator : Mr. Regimon
The catechism classes in the parish are actively conducted with the support of our Parish Priest and Assistant Parish Priest. Around 200 students attend catechism classes in the parish which is both in English and Hindi medium. In addition, catechism is also imparted to more than 15 students from refugee families of Burma settled in this area for whom separate classes are held. There are 20 teachers who conduct these classes with utmost dedication so that the parish children are given better understanding of faith and the Catholic Church. The catechism class and the mass are compulsory for the children, so no exemptions are made in this regard. The classes are conducted for one hour in the morning between Hindi and English masses on every Sunday.
As part of Catechism, last year, we prepared around 50 children for the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion & Confirmation, apart from few adults from African community. Sisters from the convents in our parish actively participate in these activities.
Opportunity for Confession for the children was also made available from time to time in the parish. We also took our children to Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary this year as part of extra-curricular activity.
In charge : Fr. Thomas Blessin
Animators : Arantxa, Monnis, Leonard
There are 23 registered children who serve at the altar in Hindi and English Mass. All because of the efforts and encouragement that both of our priests put in, to motivate the kids all along. We organize practices for special occasions to train the kids but more importantly to build a bond with the children. We do think that there is scope for more participation and we are trying to improve our ways to do so. We feel a little challenged with Burmese and African children as in we would want them to come along but due to language barriers they are not able to actively join the group. However we are open for them and look forward to have them for altar service. For the same reason we are planning picnics and outings for active altar servers, which used to take place when Fr Arul Antony was the parish priest. We hope this kind of activities will bring us all together. We also do motivate and encourage children to attend vocation camp and all the programs related to altar servers.
Arantxa, Monnis, Leonard
Spiritual Director : Fr. Deepak Soreng
PRESIDENT : Josy Varghese
Treasure : Niju
Your Grace,
We, the Vincentian Fraternity of this Parish have immense pleasure and gratitude in presenting our detailed credentials before your Excellency to get a first-hand information about our charitable activities for upliftment of the poor, the sick and the down trodden people from different walks of life in the jurisdiction of this Parish. The Society of St. Vincent De Paul started in our Parish on 17-1-88. At present we have 11 active members 1 lady and 10 male members besides 3 auxiliary members. The Conference meetings are held once in a week on Sundays.
Activities and achievements
We have 14 adopted families to whom regular ration money Rs.12, 000/- per month is being given. Total Rs.1, 41,000/- Paid during the year. Medical aid – Rs.47, 030/- Paid during the year for 6 persons Casual aid – Rs.11650/- Paid during the year. Educational aid – Rs.67000/- Paid during the year for 5 Students towards the funeral expenses of Two of our adopted family member – Rs.11,000/-Paid.Visited the sick and the aged at hospitals, homes and institutions. Participated in funerals. Distributed food, blankets and clothes the destitute. 4 Holy Mass offered during the year. Shared meals with the inmates of Jeevodaya Ashram and Sneha Bhawan
Source of income
Secret Bag
Church Box Collections and Donations from Parishioners
Stalls during Christmas time
Twin age Grant
With kind regards,
Yours in Christ
President : Rev. Fr. Deepak Soreng
Animator : Rev. Fr. Thomas Blessin
Secretary : Mr. Daniel Masih
Treasurer : Mr. K.J. Thomas
In keeping with the initiative of the Arch diocese of Delhi to educate the catholic children who are poor, financially weak and marginalised , in Catholic Schools, our parish wanted to help such children who were attending MCD schools or other small non – Christian schools due to economic reasons. To achieve this goal it was decided to form an organization exclusively for this cause under the parish and to name this organisation Kartavya Education Society. Thus with the blessings of Rev. Fr. John Monteiro, parish priest and Rev. Fr. Jaypradeep, Asst. parish priest and the support of the parishioners Kartavya Education Society became functional from July, 2008. Since then, we have been helping such children in getting admission in St. Francis De Sales School in the afternoon session ( Hindi Medium) and in obtaining maximum concession from the school. We also provide them good coaching in the Church basement and support them with 50% of their fees.
We have completed nine years of dedicated service to these children. Presently our office bearers are:
Other members are :
Mrs. Philomena Raphael
Mr. P.J. George
Mrs. Aleyamma Cyriac
Mrs. Tereen Gupta
Mr. Joy Mathew
Mr. Nand Kishore
Mrs. Dorothia Ekka
Mr. Regimon M.J.
Ms. Pallavi Tirkey
Mr. Daniel Masih
Patron : Fr. Deepak Soreng
Chief Editor : P J George
Editorial Board : Mr. K A Jacob, Ms. Moch Mary, Mr. Regimon M J, Ms. Stella, Ms. Joycelin, Ms. Pallavi
Vikasvani is the monthly news-magazine of the Church of Our Lady of Graces, Vikaspuri. It was started about 16 years ago, Vikasvani endeavors to share relevant news and information among the Parishioners of Vikaspuri. It attempts to promote fellowship and cooperation in the Parish. It also aims at making our liturgical celebrations more relevant and participative.
The contents of each month of Vikasvani include the Parish Priest’s message, short articles on religious or useful topics, daily Bible readings of the month, a brief on the programs / activities of the Parish, Ward-wise duties for the Sunday Liturgy of the month and a collage of the photographs of the previous month's Parish activities.
Vikasvani is functioning under the able guidance and patronage of the Parish Priest and the Assistant Parish Priest.
President : Benjamin Thawn
Secretary : Andrew Kappi
Your Grace,
We the Burmese Catholic Refugee Community, Vikaspuri Parish, New Delhi was established in 2004, about 150 members and 73 family, along with 7 members of Men EC, Women EC, and Youth EC, Sunday school leadership by 2 Catechists and, President Benjamin Thawn, General Secretary Andrew Kappi.
We happily take up and conduct Liturgy and choir in the Church once in two months. We catechise and train our children under the able guidance of parish fathers, so that they can receive sacraments meaningfully. Parish fathers are ever ready to give recommendation letters for all the necessary requirements. We have rented a prayer Hall at C-1 for celebrating feasts, prayer meetings preaching and also to keep the dead body as landlords won’t allow us to keep in our rented home.
We also request for your help and support for resettlement of us to another country. Please do help us as we find it very difficult to survive here. Hoping and praying for your valuable support.
IN CHARGE : FR. Thomas Blessin
COORDINATOR : Tomy Pacheco
PRESEDENT : Shanti Chin
I on behalf of the Eucharistic Ministry in our Church want to say a few words as we are doing our service as Eucharistic Ministers in our church under the leader ship of Rev, Father Deepak and Father Thomas. The ways each one of us involved in the Church’s Ministry as a Eucharistic Minister, for each one of us there is an inner sense that “this is what I ought to do. We are doing our service to the church very sincerely and honestly. We all present unitedly, whenever our service needed. .
Beyond the circumstance of how we begin our involvement in lay ministry is the reality that we have been called by God to do so. Jesus’ words to His first disciples apply to us as well: “You did not choose me but I chose you.” [John 15:16] By our obedience to that call, and by our active involvement in the ministry to which He has called us, we are sharing in the ministry of the Body of Christ, the Church. Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. – Hebrews 13:20-21
Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to say these words on behalf of our Ministry.
EXECUTIVES : Ogha, Austin, Remi
We the members of African Fellowship are from all the countries of African Continent. We are 200 registered members. We are regular and active in church activities
1. AFRICAN FELLOWSHIP:- A proper announcement should be made in the church regarding non-catholics not to come forward to receive holy communion.
2. SSC Meeting: It should be given more importance and should be held regularly in all wards. It is not a prayer group but a local church to promote word of God
3. YOUTH GROUP: Liked prayer group name "Arrows of Jesus" means Rays of Christ. Appreciated Bible study initiative. He said that proper interpretation of bible is very important
4. ALTER SERVERS: we should encourage to answer the questions raised by children. Should include children from Burmese and African community. Altar servers should be active like Kerala alter servers.
5. Catechism Teachers: It is not a school but transmission of faith to the next generation and inculcate the idea of vocation to them. Again he said that Kerala children are well versed with their rites as they are trained that way.
6. Karsavina- Unique to Vikaspuri and noble work. It should be connected with Diocesan Education scheme.
7. Burmese: Mentioned Johna who joined Gurgaon Seminary for vocation.
8. Eucharistic Ministers:- Extact terminology is " Extra Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion". It needs special training.
9. Catholic Association: It should be started in Vikaspuri at the earliest. 10 years back, it was functioning but most of the members were from parish council only and the persons chosen outside parish council were inactive and therefore it was scrapped fully.
10. Small Children Care: They should be cared properly during the mass. It needs special training.
11. Legion of Mary
12. Helen:- Difficulty in getting admission in SFS school for Burmese and Nigerian community children. Archbishop will speak to the Principal if all admission formalities done on time and form Submitted.
13. Princy: Our Catholics are not aware of admission date and procedures. For last one year, SFS school is not sending admission notification to be read in our church.
14. Noel Peter: Our Christians has disadvantages. Less Christian Children get admission in Christian schools. They should get encouragement from the church.
15. SDM Daniel Masih: Mobile no 9899746643. For any problem of getting ration card / aadhar ID cards / ITI or government school admission, any person can contact him.
16. Raphel Khakkho: Why masses not celebrated in houses - in case of any problem. SSC meeting, mass can be celebrated but in whole, it should he celebrated in holy place i.e. church where whole community gathers. Community to the sick is a part of this mass. It depends on the parish priest but it should not be done in multiplication.
17. Joycelin: There is a Gap between youth and parish council. Due to age factor parish council is not free with youth. Parish council can play vital role in career & vocation oriented guidance to youth. This guidance should be limited to IAS/ IPS but to other fields also.
18. Shaji Abraham: Kerala Association like group should be formed in diocese level. Archbishop required more information on this.
Apart from meeting
19. Mohan Garden house should be registered properly in order to avoid inconvenience in the future as it has lodging facilities for the sick.